What is Erectile Disfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that makes it difficult to get or maintain an erection: Causes : ED can have many causes, including physical and psychological factors: Physical causes: Diabetes, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord and nerve injuries, nerve damage from pelvic operations, hormone-induced ED, low testosterone, high blood pressure, high cholesterol Psychological causes: Performance anxiety, stress, relationship problems, lack of sexual knowledge, past sexual problems, past sexual abuse, being in a new relationship


45% men experience ED


We completely analyse your present issue and suggest you the best actions. For some of the issues, along with medication, counselling to be done. In that case, we will refer you to the best Doctor.


You can book a session now itself and get the best answers for your issues. First session will be for one hour and the Fee is Just Rs.1499.00

Your problems will be heard in a non-judgemental way. 100% confidentiality. We will suggest you the best treatment and also psychological support required. We will train you in some basic aspects which will help you in ED.

Ans: Approximately from 1 to 1.30 minutes will be taken.

Ans: The appointment can be fixed from the below link or Please Whatsapp to 91-7010702114

The Psychological counselling or Hypnotherapy can be continued.  If medical intervention is required, we will refer you to the appropriate doctor. Online consultation also available

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